Publications (*listed alphabetically; **student advisee; bold = lab member)

Some of the journals we are excited and honored to have our work recently published in! Please see below for full list with links to the articles online and available here as PDFʻs for download. As always, we welcome your feedback or questions.

  1. McClain C, TJ Webb, NA Heim, ML Knope, P Monarrez, & JL Payne (2025). Size Bias in the Documentation of Marine Biodiversity. Oikos 25(1), e10828 (pdf)

  2. Roeble L, KJ van Benthem, P Weigelt, H Kreft, ML Knope, JR Mandel, P Vargas, RS Etienne, & L Valente (2024). Island biogeography of the megadiverse plant family Asteraceae. Nature Communications 15, 7276 (pdf)

  3. McClain CR, TJ Webb, NA Heim, ML Knope, PM Monarrez, & JL Payne (2024). Navigating uncertainty in maximum body size of marine metazoans. Ecology and Evolution 14, e11506 (pdf) https://doi. org/10.1002/ece3.11506

  4. Cerca J et al. (29 authors, including ML Knope) (2023). Evolutionary genomics of oceanic island radiations. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 38(7):631-642 (pdf) DOI:

  5. Wood KR, ML Knope (2023). Bidens wailele (Asteraceae: Coreopsideae): A New Critically Endangered Species from Kauaʻi, Hawaiian Islands. International Journal of Plant Sciences 184(5):378-386 (pdf) DOI:

  6. Ward BJ**, TE Cox, A Faucci, F Flores La Valle, J Philippoff, JLB Schaefer, IM Ware, & ML Knope (2023). Spatial variation and antecedent sea surface temperature conditions influence Hawaiian intertidal community structure. PLoS ONE 18(6): e0286136. (pdf) DOI:

  7. Stallman JK**, K Robinson**, ML Knope (2023). Do endemic mushrooms on oceanic islands and archipelagos support the theory of island biogeography? Journal of Biogeography 50(1):145-155 (pdf) (open access online link)

  8. Halpern BS et al. (150+ authors, including ML Knope) (2023). Priorities for synthesis in ecology and environmental science. Ecosphere 14(1):e442 (pdf) (open access online link)

  9. Bellinger MR, EM Datlof, KE Selph, TJ Gallaher, ML Knope (2022). A genome for Bidens hawaiensis: a member of a hexaploid Hawaiian plant adaptive radiation. Journal of Heredity 113(2) 205-214 (pdf) (open access online link)

  10. Munstermann MJ**, NA Heim, DJ McCauley, JL Payne, NS Upham, S Wang, ML Knope (2021). A global ecological signal of extinction risk in terrestrial vertebrates. Conservation Biology 36(3):e13852 (pdf) (open access online link)

  11. Knope ML, VA Funk, MA Johnson, WL Wagner, EM Datlof, G Johnson, D Crawford, JM Bonifacino, CW Morden, DH Lorence, KR Wood, J-Y Meyer, S Carlquist (2020) Dispersal and adaptive radiation of Bidens (Compositae) across the remote archipelagoes of Polynesia. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 58(6):805-822 (pdf) DOI:

  12. Cooper KM*, ML Knope*, MJ Munstermann**, SE Brownell (2020) Students who analyze their own data in a course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) show gains in scientific identity and emotional ownership of research. Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education 21(3):1-11 (pdf) DOI:

  13. Payne JL, A Bachan*, NA Heim*, PM Hull*, ML Knope* (2020) The evolution of complex life and the stabilization of the Earth system. The Royal Society: Interface Focus 10:20190106 [pdf] DOI:

  14. Heim NA, Bakshi SH, Buu L, Chen S, Heh S, Jain A, Noll C, Patkar A, Rizk N, Sundararajan S, Villante I, Knope ML, JL Payne (2020) Respiratory medium and circulatory anatomy constrain size evolution in marine macrofauna. Paleobiology [pdf] DOI: 10.1017/pab2020.16

  15. Knope ML, AM Bush*, LO Frishkoff*, NA Heim*, JL Payne* (2020) Ecologically diverse clades dominate the oceans via extinction resistance. Science 367(6481):1035-1038 [pdf] DOI:

  16. Knope ML, MR Bellinger*, EM Datlof*, TJ Gallaher*, MA Johnson* (2020) Insights into the evolutionary history of Hawaiian Bidens (Asteraceae) revealed through phylogenomics. Journal of Heredity 111(1):119-137 esZ066 [pdf] DOI:

  17. Gillespie RG, GM Bennett, L De Meester, JL Feder, RC Fleischer, LJ Harmon, AP Hendry, ML Knope*, J Mallet, C Martin, CE Parent, AH Patton, KS Pfennig, D Rubinoff, D Schluter, O Seehausen, KL Shaw, E Stacy, M Stervander, JT Stroud, C Wagner,G Wogan (2020) Comparing adaptive radiations across space, time, and taxa. Journal of Heredity 111(1):1-20 esz064 [pdf] DOI:

  18. Cytrynbaum EG*, CM Small*, RY Kwon, B Hung, D Kent, Y Yan, ML Knope, RA Bremiller, T Desvignes, CB Kimmel (2019) Developmental tuning of mineralization drives morphological diversity of gill cover bones in sculpins and their relatives. Evolution Letters 3(4):374-391 [pdf] DOI:

  19. Farina SC, ML Knope, KA Corn, AP Summers, WE Bemis (2019) Functional coupling in the evolution of suction feeding and gill ventilation of sculpins (Perciformes: Cottoidei). Integrative and Comparative Biology 59(2):394-409 [pdf] DOI:

  20. Stallman JK**, VA Funk, JP Price, and ML Knope (2019) DNA barcodes fail to accurately differentiate species within Hawaiian plant lineages.  Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 190(4):374-388 [pdf] DOI:

  21. McClain CR, NA Heim, ML Knope, and JL Payne (2018) Is biodiversity energy-limited or unbounded? A test in fossil and modern bivalves. Paleobiology 44(3):385-401 [pdf] DOI:

  22. Kimmel, CB, CM Small, and ML Knope (2017) A rich diversity of of opercle bone shape amongst teleost fishes. PLoS ONE 12(12):e0188888 [pdf] DOI:

  23. Heim NA, JL Payne, S Finnegan*, ML Knope*, M Kowalewski*, SK Lyons*, DW McShea*, PH Novack-Gotschall*, FA Smith*, and SC Wang* (2017). Hierarchical complexity and the size limits of life. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 284:20171039 [pdf] DOI:

  24. Knope ML, KA Tice and DC Rypkema (2017) Site fidelity and homing behaviour in intertidal sculpins revisited. Journal of Fish Biology 90:341-355 [pdf] DOI:

  25. Payne JL, AM Bush*, ET Chang*, NA Heim*, ML Knope*, and SB Pruss* (2016) Extinction intensity, selectivity, and their combined macroevolutionary influence in the fossil record. Biology Letters 12:20160202 [pdf] DOI:

  26. Payne JL, AM Bush*, NA Heim*, ML Knope*, and DJ McCauley* (2016) Ecological selectivity of the emerging mass extinction in the oceans. Science 353:1284-1286 [pdf] 1286 DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf2416

  27. Knope ML, NA Heim, LO Frishkoff, and JL Payne (2015) Limited role of functional differentiation in early diversification of animals. Nature Communications 6:6455 [pdf] DOI:

  28. Heim NA, ML Knope, E Schaal, S Wang, and JL Payne (2015) Cope’s rule in the evolution of marine animals. Science 347:867-870. [pdf] DOI:

  29. Knope ML and RJ Larson (2014) Autotomy is an effective escape mechanism for porcelain crabs from rockfish predation. Marine Ecology. 35:471-477. [pdf] DOI:

  30. Payne JL, NA Heim, ML Knope, and CR McClain (2014) Metabolic dominance of bivalves predates brachiopod diversity decline by 150 million years. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 281:20133122 [pdf] DOI:

  31. Knope ML, R Pender, DJ Crawford, and AM Wieczorek (2013) Invasive congeners are unlikely to hybridize with native Hawaiian Bidens (Asteraceae). American Journal of Botany 100(6):1-6 [pdf] DOI:

  32. Knope ML and JA Scales (2013) Adaptive morphological shifts to novel habitats in marine sculpin fishes. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26:472-482. [pdf] DOI:

  33. Knope ML (2013) Phylogenetics of the marine sculpins (Teleostei: Cottidae) of the North American Pacific Coast. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 66:341-349. [pdf] DOI:

  34. Knope ML, CW Morden, VA Funk, and T Fukami (2012) Area and the rapid radiation of Hawaiian Bidens (Asteraceae). Journal of Biogeography 39(7):1206-1216 [pdf] DOI:

  35. Knope ML, Forde SE and T Fukami (2012) Evolutionary history, immigration history, and the extent of diversification in community assembly. Frontiers in Microbiology 2:273 [pdf] DOI:

  36. Spalding HL, A Gupta, DJ Barshis, ML Knope, KA Tice, R Dirzo, and C Wilbur (2010) K-12 science education and “broader impacts.” Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8(4):217-218 DOI:

  37. Baumgartner E, CJ Zabin, JK Philippoff, E Cox, and ML Knope (2009) Ecological monitoring provides a thematic foundation for student inquiry. Pp. 191-209. In: Yager, R. (Ed). Inquiry: The Key to Exemplary Science. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association.

  38. Ramon ML and ML Knope (2008) Molecular support for marine sculpin (Cottidae; Oligocottinae) diversification during the transition from the subtidal to intertidal habitat in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46:475-483 [pdf] DOI:

  39. Wasson K, BE Lyon, and ML Knope (2002) Hair-trigger autotomy in porcelain crabs (Petrolisthes spp.) is a highly effective escape strategy. Behavioral Ecology 13:481-486 [pdf] DOI: